normal human plasma

nor·mal hu·man plas·ma

sterile plasma obtained by pooling approximately equal amounts of the liquid portion of citrated (that is, anticoagulated) whole blood from eight or more adult humans who have been certified as free from any disease that is tranmissible by transfusion, and treating it with ultraviolet irradiation to destroy possible bacterial and viral contaminants.

nor·mal hu·man plas·ma

(nōr'măl hyū'măn plaz'mă) Sterile plasma obtained by pooling approximately equal amounts of the liquid portion of citrated whole blood from eight or more adult humans who have been certified as free from any disease that is transmissible by transfusion, and treating it with ultraviolet irradiation to destroy possible bacterial and viral contaminants.

nor·mal hu·man plas·ma

(nōr'măl hyū'măn plaz'mă) Sterile plasma obtained by pooling approximately equal amounts of the liquid portion of citrated whole blood from eight or more adult humans who have been certified as free from any disease that is transmissible by transfusion, and treating it with ultraviolet irradiation to destroy possible bacterial and viral contaminants.