Map of Medicine

Map of Medicine

A collection of evidence-based, practice-informed care maps, initially developed with the support of University College London and the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust in 2001. The project was spun into a business that was most recently acquired by Hearst Corporation in 2008. Map of Medicine provides evidence-based solutions for improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of patient care, connecting knowledge and services around a particular clinical condition. MoM care maps can be customised to reflect local needs and practices by commissioners looking to devise new care pathways. MoM aims to make the NHS’s vast pool of knowledge available to all healthcare professionals; it is based on over 250 different symptom-based patient journeys, which are intended to be used as flow-charts (care maps) to delineate the steps to be taken by the clinical team, starting with the patient’s initial presentation. Goals of MoM include reduction of costs while improving standards, reducing the number of inappropriate referrals, and keeping the professionals delivering the care abreast of the latest guidelines and best practice. Maps can be customised to share best practice, local information, innovations and create locality specific guidelines.