Kock pouch

Kock pouch

 [kok] 1. the most common kind of reservoir" >continent ileal reservoir; see also ileostomy.2. a surgically created urinary bladder made from a segment of isolated ileum. It consists of an afferent nipple, into which the ureters are implanted in a manner that prevents reflux of urine, and a continent efferent nipple. It is drained by catheterization.Kock pouch. From Polaski and Tatro, 1996.

Kock pouch

(kōk), a continent ileostomy with a reservoir and valved opening fashioned from doubled loops of ileum. Synonym(s): Kock ileostomy

Kock pouch

Kock internal reservoir Urology A segment of ileum used to
create a continent urinary pouch, which may be sewn into the anterior abdominal wall in Pts with a radical cystectomy for bladder cancer. See Bladder cancer.

Kock pouch

(kok powch) A continent ileostomy with a reservoir and valved opening fashioned from doubled loops of ileum.

Kock pouch

A type of ileostomy in which the surgeon forms an artificial rectum from a section of the ileum. A Kock pouch is sometimes called a continent ileostomy because it is drained with a tube.Mentioned in: Enterostomy


Nils G., Swedish surgeon, 1924–. Kock ileal reservoirKock ileostomy - Synonym(s): Kock pouchKock nippleKock nipple valveKock pouch - a continent ileostomy with a reservoir and valved opening fashioned from doubled loops of ileum. Synonym(s): Kock ileostomy