释义 |
megaExtremely large in size, scale, or degree. That joke got some mega laughs from the audience. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We've got a mega show for your tonight!mega (ˈmɛgə) mod. large; serious. Some mega beast boogied down to the front of the auditorium and started screaming. mega
mega(1) Million (10 to the 6th power). Abbreviated "M," it is a prefix for capacities and speeds (megabits, megabytes, megahertz, etc.). Mega may refer to 1,000,000 or 1,048,576, the latter based on the binary system (see NIST binary). See MB, meg, binary values and space/time.
(2) A prefix attached to common, non-computer words that means a very large size or quantity. For example, "megabucks" means a lot of money. Both "mega" and "giga" are used in this manner, although mega means million and giga means billion. See giga.
(3) (MEGA) A brand name for various models of Atari's ST and STE personal computers. See ST and Atari.LegalSeeMFinancialSeeSTMEGA
Acronym | Definition |
MEGA➣Michigan Economic Growth Authority | MEGA➣Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis | MEGA➣Msi Entertainment and Gaming Appliance | MEGA➣10 to 6 (million) | MEGA➣Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (Conference) | MEGA➣Medium Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy (telescope) | MEGA➣Middle Educators Global Activities | MEGA➣Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance | MEGA➣Multidisciplinary Education in Geriatrics and Aging | MEGA➣Microlensing Exploration of the Galaxy and Andromeda | MEGA➣Michigan Emu Growers Association (Midland, MI) | MEGA➣membrane electrode gasket assembly | MEGA➣Maritime Embedded GPS (Global Positioning System) Adapter (US Navy) | MEGA➣Maintenance, Engineering, Grants and Accounting (Iowa state government) | MEGA➣Microlensing Exploration of the Galaxy & Andromeda | MEGA➣Muon (decays to) an Electron and a Gamma ray (experiment) | ThesaurusSeeMb |