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maple leaf
Maple Leaf n (Heraldry) the Maple Leaf the national flag of Canada, consisting of a representation of a maple leaf in red on a white central panel with a vertical red bar on either side ma′ple leaf` n. 1. the leaf of the maple tree, the national emblem of Canada. 2. (caps.) the flag of Canada. maple leaf
maple leafof Canada. [Flower Symbolism: Jobes, 283]See: Flower Or Plant, NationalMaple Leaf
Maple LeafA gold, silver, or platinum coin minted in Canada that usually trades at slightly more than its current bullion value.Maple LeafA type of gold bullion coin in Canada. Maple leafs usually trade at a price slightly higher than the bullion's value. Like gold bullion, a maple leaf is a commodity that investors often use as a hedge against recession and inflation; thus, while it is volatile like most commodities, it always maintains a relatively high value.maple leaf A gold coin minted in Canada.AcronymsSeemL |