Kocher sign

Ko·cher sign

(kō'kĕr), in Graves disease, the globe lags behind the movement of the upper eyelid on upward gaze.

Ko·cher sign

(kō'kĕr sīn) In Graves disease, on upward gaze, the globe lags behind the movement of the upper eyelid.


E. Theodor, Swiss surgeon and Nobel laureate, 1841-1917. Kocher elevatorKocher approachKocher artery forcepsKocher biliary tract incisionKocher bladder retractorKocher clamp - a heavy, straight hemostat.Kocher-Debré-Semelaigne syndrome - autosomal recessive inherited athyrotic cretinism associated with muscular pseudohypertrophy. Synonym(s): Debré-Semelaigne syndromeKocher dissectorKocher forcepsKocher goiter dissectorKocher hemostatKocher incision - an incision parallel with right costal margin.Kocher intestinal forcepsKocher kidney-elevating forcepsKocher maneuverKocher periosteal dissectorKocher retractorKocher sign - in Graves disease, on upward gaze the globe lags behind the movement of the upper eyelid.Kocher spoonKocher ureterosigmoidostomy procedure