love me, love my dog

love me, love my dog

If you are going to love someone, you must accept everything about them, even those aspects, qualities, or faults that you might otherwise dislike. A: "We get along really well, and we seem to be incredibly well suited in most ways. The only thing is that she doesn't really like that I still play a lot of video games." B: "If you're meant to be together, then she'll learn to deal with it. Love me, love my dog, as they say."See also: dog, love

Love me, love my dog.

Prov. If you love someone, you should accept everything and everyone that the person loves. Jill: I wish you'd keep your dog out of the house when I come over. Jane: Love me, love my dog. Most of Alice's friends didn't like her sister, but they accepted her because Alice insisted, "Love me, love my dog."See also: dog, love

love me, love my dog

if you love someone, you must accept everything about them, even their faults. proverbSee also: dog, love