knuckle pads

knuck·le pads

[MIM*149100] 1. an autosomal dominant trait, in which thick pads of skin appear over the proximal phalangeal joints; occasionally associated with leukonychia and deafness or Dupuytren contracture; 2. a callus reaction resulting from occupational or self-inflicted trauma.

knuck·le pads

(nŭk'ĕl padz) 1. An autosomal dominant trait, in which thick pads of skin appear over the proximal phalangeal joints; occasionally associated with leukonychia and deafness or Dupuytren contracture. 2. Calluses of the knuckles formed as a result of occupational or self-inflicted trauma.

knuckle pads

A congenital condition in which small nodules appear on the dorsal side of fingers.See also: pad