Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Route
Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Route
200 Piasa St
Alton, IL 62002
Web: Description:Route allows visitors todiscover the natural and historical heritage of southern Illinois, offering a view of the floodplain where the Mississippi, Missouri,and Illinois rivers join together. Areas of interest include: the Camp River Dubois State Historic Site, which commemorates thebeginning of Lewis and Clark's expedition to the Pacific; the historic city of Alton, where Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas held their final debatein the race for U.S. Senate; the 25-mile SamVadalabene Bike Trail, which parallels the Mississippi River and is one of the most scenic bike routes in the region; and the town of Elsah, one of the only towns to be put on the National Historic Register inits entirety.
Legth: 33 miles. Start/Endpoint: The Byway runs from Pere Marquette State Park along IL 100, IL 143, and IL 3 to south of the city of Hartford. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (1998).
See other parks in Illinois.