Mongolian Academy of Sciences

Mongolian Academy of Sciences


(Academy of Sciences of the Mongolian People’s Republic), the leading scientific institution of the Mongolian People’s Republic. Established in May 1961, it consists of three divisions: a social sciences division comprising institutes of history, language and literature, philosophy, sociology and law, and economics and a department of Oriental studies; a division of biology and earth sciences including institutes of general and experimental biology, biologically active substances, botany, geography and permafrost studies, and geology; and a division of physical-mathematical and chemical sciences comprising institutes of physics, chemistry, and mathematics (with a computer center).

The academy has a science library, an observatory, and a publishing house. It issues the quarterly journal BNMA Uyn Shinzhlekh ukhaany akademiin medee (Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Mongolian People’s Republic, 1961). In 1973 about 700 scientific workers were active in the academy. The academy directs the scientific and methodological work of the affiliated research institutions of ministries and government departments. It maintains contacts with academies of sciences and scientific organizations in many foreign countries. The president of the academy is Academician B. Shirendyb.

The works of Mongolian academicians have received international recognition. Academician B. Shirendyb was elected a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, of the Academy of Sciences of the Hungarian People’s Republic, and of the Academy of Sciences of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Academician B. Rinchen is a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of the Hungarian People’s Republic, Academician Ts. Toivgo is a member of the V. I. Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and academician Sh. Tsegmid is a corresponding member of the Geographical Society of the USSR.