释义 |
Monge disease chron·ic moun·tain sick·nessloss of high altitude tolerance after prolonged exposure (for example, by residence), characterized by extreme polycythemia, exaggerated hypoxemia, and reduced mental and physical capacity; relieved by descent. Synonym(s): altitude erythremia, chronic soroche, Monge diseasechron·ic moun·tain sick·ness (kron'ik mown'tăn sik'nĕs) Loss of high altitude tolerance after prolonged exposure (e.g., by residence), characterized by extreme polycythemia, exaggerated hypoxemia, and reduced mental and physical capacity; relieved by descent. Synonym(s): Monge disease. Monge disease (mon′hā) [Carlos Monge, Peruvian physician, 1884–1970] Mountain sickness, chronicMonge Medrano, Carlos, Peruvian professor of medicine and high altitude specialist, 1884-1970. Monge disease - loss of high-altitude tolerance after prolonged exposure. Synonym(s): chronic mountain sickness; Monge syndromeMonge syndrome - Synonym(s): Monge disease |