Native Peoples, Offices of
Native Peoples, Offices of
(Russian, inorodnye upravy), administrative and financial-economic institutions created by the tsarist government in accordance with the Statute on Governing Native Peoples (inorodtsy) of July 22, 1822, for the nomadic native peoples of eastern Siberia (Buriats, Khakass, and Yakuts). Each office of native peoples, which had jurisdiction over several uluses (settlements of natives) and nomads’ camps, carried out the directives of the district chief and court sentences and apportioned the iasak (tribute) and other taxes. An office of native peoples included the ulus heads and several members of the local clan aristocracy, who were elected by the population for three years and confirmed by the governor; by the end of the 19th century members of the kulak elite were also among those elected. In 1901 the offices of native peoples were replaced by volost (small rural district) boards.