(The Chronicle), a Russian monthly journal of literature, science, and politics published in Petrograd during 1915—17. Founded by M. Gorky, it attracted writers opposed to imperialistic war, nationalism, and chauvinism.
Letopis’ published numerous works supporting the tradition of realism and opposing militarist and decadent belles-lettres. The journal presented works by Gorky, I. A. Bunin, A. A. Blok, V. Ia. Briusov, V. V. Mayakovsky, S. A. Esenin, V. Ia. Shishkov, A. P. Chapygin, Ia. Rainis, and A. Isaakian. Foreign contributors included H. G. Wells, A. France, R. Rolland, E. Verhaeren, and J. London. K. A. Timiriazev’s participation in Leto-pis’ was of paramount importance for the journal’s scientific reputation.
While the Bolsheviks exploited the legal potential of the journal (I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov, V. P. Nogin, and N. K. Krupskaia wrote articles), they criticized Letopis’ for the contradictory nature of its political positions, which to a certain degree were defined by Vpered supporters and Mensheviks. Associates of Letopis’ also worked on the newspaper Novaia zhizn’ (1917–18).
Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva A. M. Gor’kogo, issues 2–4. Moscow, 1958—60. (See index of names and titles.)Muratova, K. D. “Zhurnalistika.” Istoriia russkoi literatury, vol. 10. Moscow-Leningrad, 1954.
Ninov, A. “M. Gor’kii i Letopis’.” Neva, 1966, no. 1.
Dubinskaia, T. “Tak nachinalas’ gor’kovskaia Letopis’.” Voprosy literatury, 1973, no. 6.