Lovelace, Ada
Lovelace, Ada
(Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace), 1815–1852, English mathematician, b. London as Augusta Ada Byron. The daughter of the poet Lord ByronByron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron, 1788–1824, English poet and satirist. Early Life and Works
He was the son of Capt. John ("Mad Jack") Byron and his second wife, Catherine Gordon of Gight.
..... Click the link for more information. and Anne Isabella Milbanke, she was raised by her mother, who had an interest in mathematics and science and introduced her daughter to leading British intellectuals. At age 17 she met the mathematician and inventor Charles BabbageBabbage, Charles
, 1792–1871, English mathematician and inventor. He devoted most of his life and expended much of his private fortune and a government subsidy in an attempt to perfect a mechanical calculating machine that foreshadowed present-day machines.
..... Click the link for more information. , with whom she formed a friendship around common interests, especially his Analytical Engine, a mechanical calculator. In 1843 Lovelace published her translation from the French of a paper about Babbage's invention, adding extensive annotations in which she outlined instructions that would allow the device to make various calculations; she is now widely regarded as the first computer programmer.
See biographies by B.A. Toole (1998) and J. Essinger (2013).