Love, Defined
Love, Defined
- Falling in love is like being thrown from a horse; if you let yourself go it doesn’t hurt as badly as if you try to save yourself —Edwin L. Blanchard
- It’s [love] very like a lizard; it winds itself around your heart and penetrates your gizzard —Anon rhyme
- A love affair is like a work of art —Laurie Colwin
- Love is a hole in the heart —Ben Hecht
- Love is a science where great erudition and great application are needed —Anatole France
- Love is like a child that longs for everything that he can come by —William Shakespeare
- Love is like a cigar, the longer it burns the less it becomes —Punch, 1855
- Love is … like a coconut which is good while it’s fresh, but you have to spit it out when the juice is gone, what’s left tastes bitter —Bertold Brecht
- Love is like a cold. Easy to catch but hard to cure —Anon
- Love is like a dizziness —James Hogg
This is the title and first line of a poem.
- Love is like a dream that’s too good to be true —Langston Hughes
- Love is like a friendship caught on fire —Bruce Lee
- Love is like a lovely rose —Christina Georgina Rossetti
- Love is like a repeating decimal; the figure is the same but the value gets less and less —Anon
- Love is like a wind stirring the grass beneath trees on a black night —Sherwood Anderson
- Love is like butter, it goes well with bread —Yiddish proverb
- Love is like electricity. It flares up for a second and is soon extinguished —Isaac Bashevis Singer
- Love is like fire … wounds of fire are hard to bear; harder still are those of love —Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
- Love is like growing pains; something we all have to experience for ourselves —Anon
- Love is like heaven, a brief possession, unsearchable, hard to reconstruct with two-by-fours and building blocks —Leonard Casper
In Casper’s story, Sense of Direction, the simile is in the past tense and the word building is spelled without the last letter.
- Love is like learning to walk; we all have to go through it —Anon
- Love is like linen, the more often changed, the sweeter —Phineas Fletcher
The word ‘changed’ was originally ‘chang’d.’
- Love is like malaria. You never know when you’re going to catch it —Rita Mae Brown
- Love is like measles; you can get it only once, and the later in life it occurs the tougher it goes —Josh Billing
The simile in Billings’ dialect: “Love iz like the meazles; we kant have it bad but onst, and the later in life we have it the tuffer it goes with us.” Medical science has made this much quoted comparison obsolete, though another illness, mishap, or a necessary learning experience could easily be substituted.
- Love is like quicksilver in the hand … leave the fingers open and it stays in the palm; clutch it, and it darts away —Dorothy Parker
- Love is like soup; it cools when the fire dies out —Anon
- Love is like the devil; whom it has in its clutches it surrounds with flames —Honoré de Balzac
- Love is like the measles; we all have to go through it —Jerome K. Jerome
See the comment with Josh Billings love/measles simile above.
- Love is like a well: a good thing to drink out of, but a bad thing to fall into —Anon
- Love is like the wild rose-briar, friendship like the holly tree —Emily Brontë
- Love is like those shabby hotels in which all the luxury is in the lobby —Paul Jean Toulet
- Love is trembling happiness —Kahlil Gibran
- Love is very much like a tennis match, you’ll never win consistently until you learn to serve well —Dan P. Herod
- Love is what is called the Milky Way in Heaven, a brilliant mass formed by thousands of little stars of which each perhaps is nebulous —Stendhal
One wonders what he might have added had he known about black holes in space and their gravity so enormous it sucks up everything surrounding itself.
- Love … it’s like an ocean: if you’re no good, if you begin to make a bad smell in it, it just spews you up somewhere to die —William Faulkner
- Love, like a poker game starts with a pair; with her getting a flush, him showing a diamond and both ending up together with a full house —Anon
- Love, like death, a universal leveller of mankind —William Congreve
- Lovers are like drunkards; once a drunkard always a drunkard, once a lover always a lover. It is simply a matter of temperament —Guy De Maupassant
- Love’s like the measles, all the worse when it comes too late —Douglas Jerrold
See comment following the Josh Billings love/measles simile above.
- Love without return is like a question without an answer —Anon
- Loving, like prayer, is a power as well a process. It’s curative. It is creative —Zona Gale
- The moods of love are like the wind —Coventry Patmore
- My love is as a fever —William Shakespeare
Another famous author, Stendhal, also likened love to a fever, adding: “It comes and goes without the will having any part in the process.”
- My love is like a red red rose —Robert Burns
This is the first line and title of Burns’ famous poem, in which love was spelled ‘luv.’
- An old man in love is like a flower in winter —Portugese proverb
- Romance is the poetry of circumstance —Robert Louis Stevenson
- True love is like seeing a ghost. We talk about it; few of us have seen one —Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
Some quote La Rochefoucauld as linking the ghost comparison to perfect instead of true love.
- A woman’s love is like the dew. It falls as easily on the manure heap as on the rose —Donald McCaig
- Young love is a flame; very pretty, often very hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deep-burning, unquenchable —Henry Ward Beecher