love at first sight

love at first sight

1. cliché An instance of two people falling in love the first time they see each other. When I met my wife, it was love at first sight.2. By extension, an immediate love or affection for a particular thing. With that house, it was just love at first sight—I immediately knew it was perfect for me.See also: first, love, sight

love at first sight

Fig. love established when two people first see one another. Bill was standing at the door when Ann opened it. It was love at first sight. It was love at first sight when they met, but it didn't last long.See also: first, love, sight

love at first sight

An instantaneous attraction to someone or something. For example, With Peter and Constance, it was a case of love at first sight, or When Dave saw that car, it was love at first sight. This expression was already used by Chaucer for romantic attraction in Troilus and Cressida: "She loved right from the first sight." The transfer to objects dates from the first half of the 1900s. See also: first, love, sight

love at first ˈsight

falling in love with somebody the first time you meet them: I never really believed in love at first sight until I met my husband.See also: first, love, sight