not know beans about

not know beans (about something)

To know nothing or next to nothing (about something). Don't ask me! I don't know beans about car engines. I'm fairly handy when it comes to fixing cars, but put me in front of a computer and I won't know beans.See also: bean, know, not

not know beans about

know nothing about. North American informal 2001 Hudson Review One tires of reading collections of prose by poets who may know their craft from holes in the ground but don't appear to know beans about anything else. See also: bean, know, not

not know ˈbeans about something

(American English, informal) know nothing about a subject: I really don’t know beans about economics.See also: bean, know, not, something

not know beans (about something)

tv. to know nothing about something. Don’t pay any attention to her. She doesn’t know beans. See also: bean, know, not, something