

单词 nms
释义 EncyclopediaSeeNetWare Management System



Abbreviation for neuroleptic malignant syndrome.



See: National Market System

National Market System

A trading system listing securities that trade in both New York and on regional exchanges. This allows investors to find the best price available for securities. The NMS also facilitates trading of certain over-the-counter stocks. It is sponsored and managed by NASDAQ and FINRA. See also: 19c-3 stock.

Normal Market Size

The number of shares in a publicly-traded company that can be traded at a given price. The normal market size is a set number determined by the stock's market capitalization. Market makers must trade within the parameters of the normal market size. If a market maker wants to buy or sell more shares than the normal market size, he/she must negotiate a new price. The normal market size exists to keep particularly large orders from affecting the share price, thus reducing volatility.


See national market system.

National Market System (NMS).

The National Market System (NMS) links all the major stock markets in the United States and was developed to foster competition among them.

Federal rules require these trading centers to ensure that transactions are executed at prices at least as good as protected quotations displayed at another center. A protected quotation is one that's immediately and automatically accessible.


NMSNetwork Management System
NMSNational Medical Series for Independent Study
NMSNAF (Non-Appropriated Fund) Management System
NMSNeuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
NMSNippon Medical School (Japan)
NMSNerviano Medical Sciences (oncology)
NMSNational Market System (now Nasdaq National Market)
NMSNetwork Management Software (Network Systems)
NMSNippon Manufacturing Service Corporation (Japan)
NMSNational Marine Sanctuary (US Park Service)
NMSNetwork Management Support
NMSNetwork Monitoring System
NMSNetwork Management Software
NMSnot Map a Symbol
NMSNetwork Management Solution
NMSNetwork Management Station
NMSNetware Management System
NMSNetware Management Station
NMSNorthwest Missouri State (university; also seen as NMSU)
NMSNetwork Management Station (Internet)
NMSNigeria Military School
NMSNetwork Management Solution (Sprint)
NMSNational Military Strategy
NMSNational Museum of Scotland
NMSNo Magazine Safety (firearms)
NMSNon-Melanoma Skin (cancer)
NMSNational Minimum Standards (Department of Health; UK)
NMSNetwork Management Services
NMSNot My Style
NMSNational Meteorological Services
NMSNew Mexico Skies (astronomy hosting site; various locations)
NMSInstitute for Nuclear Materials Science (Belgium)
NMSNeurally Mediated Syncope
NMSNutrition Management Services (Canada)
NMSNavy Medical Service (Singapore)
NMSNon-Member Surcharge
NMSNormal Mouse Serum
NMSNational Master Specification (Canadian building specifications)
NMSNational Medal of Science
NMSNeuromuscular Stimulator
NMSNetWare Management System (Novel)
NMSNational Medicines Symposium (Australia)
NMSNational Merit Scholar(ship)
NMSNew Member State (EU)
NMSNationsBanc Montgomery Securities (San Francisco, CA)
NMSNetwork Managed Services (Qwest)
NMSNetwork Modeling and Simulation
NMSNew Management System (USAID)
NMSNetscape Messaging Server
NMSNewsletter Management System
NMSNewtown Middle School (Connecticut)
NMSNephlim Modulation Systems (hip hop group)
NMSNational Merchant Solutions
NMSNagoya Municipal Subway (Japan)
NMSNew Mexico Software (est. 1995)
NMSNational Midnight Star
NMSNova Mobility Systems (Tempe, AZ)
NMSNeonatal Maladjustment Syndrome
NMSNaval Meteorological Service (US Navy)
NMSNeutral Meson Spectrometer
NMSNews Morning Satellite (Japan)
NMSNational Mentoring Scheme (UK)
NMSNeutron Monitoring System
NMSNon-Material Spend (manufacturing expenses)
NMSNational Militia Standards
NMSNorton Middle School (Columbus, OH)
NMSNot Mind Safe (Something Awful forums)
NMSNew Manning System
NMSNational Missionary Society
NMSNetwork Management Signal (ITU-T)
NMSNational Mortality Survey
NMSNatural Matrix Standard
NMSNational Money Show
NMSNational Maritime System
NMSNorthern Merchant Services, Inc. (also seen as NMSI; Brasher Falls, NY)
NMSNorwayne Middle School (Fremont, North Carolina)
NMSNoise Measuring Set (Sprint)
NMSNeuromagnetic Stimulation
NMSNewport Marine Services (Australia)
NMSNavy Mid-Range Study
NMSNewhall Middle School (Wyoming, Michigan)
NMSNuclear Materials Safeguards
NMSNo Major Skips (gaming)
NMSNumbering Management System (telecommunications)
NMSNew Millennium Solutions Pty Limited (Australia)




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