

单词 nmr



abbr. nuclear magnetic resonance


abbreviation for (General Physics) nuclear magnetic resonance


nuclear magnetic resonance.
Noun1.NMR - resonance of protons to radiation in a magnetic fieldnuclear magnetic resonance, proton magnetic resonancemagnetic resonance - resonance of electrons or atoms or molecules or nuclei to radiation frequencies as a result of space quantization in a magnetic field



see magnetic resonancemagnetic resonance,
in physics and chemistry, phenomenon produced by simultaneously applying a steady magnetic field and electromagnetic radiation (usually radio waves) to a sample of atoms and then adjusting the frequency of the radiation and the strength of the magnetic field
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(physics) nuclear magnetic resonance



 [noo´kle-ar] pertaining to a nucleus.nuclear magnetic resonance a phenomenon exhibited by many atomic nuclei: when placed in a constant magnetic field, the nuclei absorb electromagnetic radiation at a few characteristic frequencies. By applying an external magnetic field to a solution in a constant radio frequency field, it is possible to determine the structure of an unknown compound. An application of this technique, called magnetic resonance imaging, permits imaging of soft tissues of the body by distinguishing between hydrogen atoms in different environments.nuclear medicine technologist a health care professional whose duties include positioning and attending to patients undergoing medicine" >nuclear medicine procedures, operating imaging devices (scintillation cameras and rectilinear scanners) under the direction of the nuclear medicine physician, preparing radiopharmaceuticals for administration to patients, making dose calculations for in vivo procedures, performing quality control procedures, and utilizing a knowledge of radiation physics and radiation safety to minimize the radiation exposure to patients, to the technologist and coworkers, and to the public. There are currently three organizations that certify nuclear medicine technologists: the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP), and the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB). Individuals certified by the ARRT are designated RT(N)(ARRT); those certified by the ASCP are designated NM(ASCP); and those certified by the NMTCB are designated CNMT.


 [rez´o-nans] 1. the prolongation and intensification of sound produced by transmission of its vibrations to a cavity, especially such a sound elicited by percussion. Decrease of resonance is called dullness; its increase, flatness.2. a vocal sound heard on auscultation.3. mesomerism.amphoric resonance a sound resembling that produced by blowing over the mouth of an empty bottle.nuclear magnetic resonance see nuclear magnetic resonance.skodaic resonance increased percussion resonance at the upper part of the chest, with flatness below it; heard over a large pleural effusion or area of consolidation.tympanic resonance tympanitic resonance (def. 2).tympanitic resonance 1. the peculiar sound elicited by percussing a tympanitic abdomen.2. the drumlike reverberation of a cavity full of air; called also tympanic resonance.vocal resonance (VR) the sound of ordinary speech as heard through the chest wall.


Abbreviation for nuclear magnetic resonance.


abbr. nuclear magnetic resonance


Abbreviation for:
naked mole rat (see there)
neonatal mortality risk (see there)
nuclear magnetic resonance (see MRI)


1. Neonatal mortality risk, see there.2. Nuclear magnetic resonance. See Magnetic resonance imaging.


Abbreviation for nuclear magnetic resonance.


Abbrev. for nuclear magnetic resonance, the original term for what is now styled Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). NMR is said to have been dropped because of popular, but erroneous, association with nuclear radiation.


Abbreviation for nuclear magnetic resonance.

Patient discussion about NMR

Q. Anybody to tell me more about MRI scan? had an MRIscan and this has snown adenocarcinoma of endometrium early stage There is no lymphatic involvement but is it possible an MRIscan to miss some tumor?A. MRI is a very effective machine but it has it's limits. it has a great resolution but will not see very small tumors. therefore- it can miss metastasis sometime. but if your adenocarcinoma is in early stage- it might not sent metastasis. they did a biopsy? that can give you some idea what to expect.

Q. Can I have a MRI of the knee if I have hemostatic clips in the brain?(also called aneurysm clips)? A. How about a CAT scan of the knee?, I wonder if it would be an appropriate diagnostic tool, I suspect problems with a lateral meniscus.

Q. i lost a lot of hearing in my ears a couple of years ago,and i had a mri done,the mri said i had ETD, the ETD caused my eushation tube to close,its very uncomfortable,i dont feel the wind or air in my ears no more,i also feel fluid behind my ear drum,i lost a lot of inner hearing,its hard to hear my own voice,and nothing sounds clear,i also feel presser behind my ear drum from the fluid,i went to several doctors for this and i tryed medican and nothing worked,i tryed steriods for the influmation in my ears,that didnt work,i asked many doctors to drain my ears and give me venteling tubes,no doctor will do it,is there anyone out there that has the same ear problem that i do,and the doctors wont give them the tubes?why are the doctors not puting tubes in ears anymore?is it just me.or is everyone getting turned down for the tubes in there ears?i just feel so alone in this does anyone have the same problem and if they do could you share your experence,it would be nice to talk to someone that has the ETD ear problem like me,im in content discomfort,and i dont understand why nobody will help.A. from some reason it did not upload the picture...here it is:

More discussions about NMR


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  • noun

Synonyms for NMR

noun resonance of protons to radiation in a magnetic field


  • nuclear magnetic resonance
  • proton magnetic resonance

Related Words

  • magnetic resonance




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