know (something) backwards and forwards

know (something) backwards and forwards

To be extremely familiar with a particular subject, field, or piece of writing, film, music, etc. I've read this book so many times, I know it backwards and forwards. You should ask Samantha about the issue—she knows car engines backwards and forwards.See also: and, backward, forwards, know

know something backwards

mainly BRITISH or

know something backwards and forwards

mainly AMERICANIf you know a subject backwards, you know a lot about it. I thoroughly enjoy lecturing and know my subject backwards. He will be very much in demand. He knows the business backwards. They know company personnel policy backwards and forwards.See also: backward, know, something

know something backwards

be entirely familiar with something. 1991 William Trevor Reading Turgenev People who lived in the town knew it backwards. See also: backward, know, something