释义 |
Norleucine (also α-aminocaproic acid), an amino acid whose structural formula is CH3(CH2)3CH(NH2))COOH. Nor-leucine does not occur in nature and exhibits no physiological activity. Like norvaline, it is primarily used as a model in developing methods of amino-acid synthesis. norleucine
nor·leu·cine (Nle), (nōr-lū'sin), α-Amino-n-caproic acid; 2-aminohexanoic acid; an α-amino acid, isomer of leucine and isoleucine, but not found in proteins; a deamination product of l-lysine, to which it is linked in collagens. Synonym(s): glycoleucinenor·leu·cine (nōr-lū'sēn) α-amino-n-caproic acid; 2-aminohexanoic acid; an α-amino acid, not found in proteins; a deamination product of l-lysine, to which it is linked in collagens. |