释义 |
ossiculotomy ossiculotomy [os″ĭ-ku-lot´ah-me] incision of the auditory ossicles.os·si·cu·lot·o·my (os'i-kyū-lot'ŏ-mē), Division of one of the ossicles of the middle ear. [L. ossiculum, ossicle, + G. tomē, incision] ossiculotomy (ŏ-sĭk′yə-lŏt′ə-mē)n. Surgical division of a middle ear ossicle or of a fibrous band causing ankylosis between two ossicles.os·si·cu·lot·o·my (ŏ-sik'yū-lot'ŏ-mē) Division of one of the processes of the ossicles of the middle ear, or of a fibrous band causing ankylosis between any two ossicles. [L. ossiculum, ossicle, + G. tomē, incision] |