osseous spiral lamina

os·se·ous spi·ral lam·i·na

[TA] a double plate of bone winding spirally around the modiolus, dividing the spiral canal of the cochlea incompletely into two regions, the scala tympani and scala vestibuli; between the two plates of this lamina, the fibers of the cochlear nerve reach the spiral organ (of Corti). Synonym(s): lamina spiralis ossea [TA], spiral plate

os·se·ous spi·ral lam·i·na

(os'ē-ŭs spī'răl lam'i-nă) [TA] A double plate of bone winding spirally around the modiolus dividing thespiral canal of the cochlea incompletely into two, scala tympani and scala vestibuli; between the two plates of this lamina the fibers of the cochlear nerve reach the spiral organ (organ of Corti).