osseous lacuna


 [lah-ku´nah] (L.) 1. a small pit or hollow cavity.2. a defect or gap, as in the field of vision (scotoma). adj., adj lacu´nar.absorption lacuna resorption lacuna.bone lacuna a small cavity within the bone matrix, containing an osteocyte, and from which slender canaliculi radiate and penetrate the adjacent lamellae to anastomose with the canaliculi of neighboring lacunae, thus forming a system of cavities interconnected by minute canals.cartilage lacuna any of the small cavities within the cartilage matrix, containing a chondrocyte.Howship's lacuna resorption lacuna.intervillous lacuna one of the spaces of the placenta occupied by maternal blood, into which the fetal villi project.osseous lacuna bone lacuna.lacuna pharyn´gis a depression of the pharyngeal end of the eustachian tube.resorption lacuna a pit or concavity found in bones undergoing resorption, frequently containing osteoclasts. Similar lacunae also may be found in eroding surfaces of cementum.

os·se·ous la·cu·na

a cavity in bony tissue occupied by an osteocyte.

os·se·ous la·cu·na

(os'ē-ŭs lă-kū'nă ) Acavity in bony tissue occupied by an osteocyte.