Oppenheim reflex

Op·pen·heim re·flex

(op'en-hīm), extension of the toes induced by scratching of the inner side of the leg or by following sudden flexion of the thigh on the abdomen and the leg on the thigh; a sign of cerebral irritation.

Op·pen·heim re·flex

(op'en-hīm rē'fleks) Extension of the toes induced by scratching of the inner side of the leg or by sudden flexion of the thigh on the abdomen and the leg on the thigh; a sign of cerebral irritation.


Hermann, German neurologist, 1858-1919. Minor-Oppenheim syndrome - Synonym(s): Minor syndromeOppenheim braceOppenheim congenital hypotoniaOppenheim disease - Synonym(s): Oppenheim syndromeOppenheim gaitOppenheim reflex - extension of the toes induced by scratching of the inner side of the leg, a sign of cerebral irritation.Oppenheim sign - suggests pyramidal tract disease.Oppenheim splintOppenheim spring wire splintOppenheim stroke testOppenheim syndrome - congenital atonic pseudoparalysis, observed especially in infants. Synonym(s): amyotonia congenita; Oppenheim diseaseZiehen-Oppenheim disease - see under Ziehen