Acronym | Definition |
OPO➣Openbaar Primair Onderwijs (Dutch: Public Primary Education) |
OPO➣Open Purchase Order (procurement) |
OPO➣Organ Procurement Organization |
OPO➣Office of Procurement Operations (US DHS) |
OPO➣Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics (publication; Wiley) |
OPO➣Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra (Japan) |
OPO➣Oracle Power Objects |
OPO➣Optical Parametric Oscillator(s) |
OPO➣Office of the Permanent Observer (Inter-Parliamentary Union) |
OPO➣Overnight Pulse Oximetry (pulmonary disease) |
OPO➣Porto, Portugal - Porto (Airport Code) |
OPO➣Office of Public Outreach (NASA) |
OPO➣Observation Post Officer |
OPO➣Other People's Opinions |
OPO➣One Person Operated |
OPO➣Operations Order |
OPO➣Opposite Polarity |
OPO➣Office of Provincial Outreach |
OPO➣OPNAV Principal Official |
OPO➣Ovamboland People's Organization |
OPO➣Office of Personnel Operations |
OPO➣Orbiter Project Office |
OPO➣Psion OPL Output (executable file extension) |
OPO➣Outpatient Observation |
OPO➣One Production Only (acting contracts) |
OPO➣Operational Performance Objectives |
OPO➣Orbiting Planetary Observatory |
OPO➣Oil Pressure Out |
OPO➣Over-Pressure Operations |
OPO➣Ohio Peace Officer |