Leszczycki, Stanislaw
Leszczycki, Stanisław
Born May 8, 1907, in Mielec, Kraków Województwo, Poland. Polish economic geographer, statesman, and public figure. Member of the Polish United Workers’ Party. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1952).
Leszczycki is chairman of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Committee on National Regional-Economic Development and director of its Institute of Geography. Since 1948 he has been a professor at the University of Warsaw. He has served as vice-president of the International Geographical Union since 1972; from 1968 to 1972 he was president of the Union and chairman of its Commission on Economic-Geographical Regions. In his research Leszczycki has concentrated on the regional structure of the Polish economy, the methodology of geographical science, and applied geography. He is editor in chief of Poland’s leading geographical journals, Przegläd Geograficzny (Geographical Review) and Geographica Polonica (Polish Geography). Leszczycki is an honorary member of the Polish Geographical Society, the geographical societies of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Serbia, and Croatia, and geographical societies in London, Amsterdam, Paris, Florence, Rome, Bern, and Vienna.
Region Podhala: Podstawy geograficznogospodarcze planu regionalnego. Kraków, 1938.Aglomeracje miejsko-przemysłowe w Polsce 1966–2000. Warsaw, 1971. (With others.)
Zarys geografii ekonomicznej Polski, 2nd ed. Warsaw, 1971. (With others.)
Geografia przemysłu Polski. Warsaw, 1972. (With others.)