Medo Pucic

Pucić, Medo


Born Mar. 12, 1821, in Dubrovnik; died there June 30, 1882. Croatian political and public figure. Historian, poet, and representative of the Dalmatian Renaissance of the mid-19th century.

From 1868 to 1872, Pucić was a tutor to Prince Milan Obrenović. The ideas of the Illyrian movement and of Croatian-Serbian rapprochement mark both his poetic work, which is romantic in spirit and close to folk poetry, and his publicist and scholarly writings. His chief historical work is Spomenici srebski od 1395 do 1423 (books 1–2, 1858–62), compiled from primary sources of the late 14th and early 15th centuries in the archives of Dubrovnik. [21–719—4]