bad habit

A patterned behaviour regarded as detrimental to one’s physical or mental health, which is often linked to a lack of self-control
Examples Alcohol or drug abuse, consumption of tobacco in any form, overeating, regular ‘junk food’ consumption, late-night ‘partying,’ and compulsive activities including gambling, shopping, sexual addiction, and others

bad habit

Unhealthy habit Clinical medicine A patterned behavior regarded as detrimental to physical or mental health, which is often linked to a lack of self-control. Cf Good habit.

Patient discussion about bad habit

Q. is red meat bad for you??? and what about white meat like pork??? why is consider to be healthy eating vegie what are the advantages of this kind of diet ? A. Eating a lot of red meat is considered to be a risk factor for developing colon cancer, and therefore it is advised not to eat too much of it. On the other hand, a diet rich with vegetables and fruit is considered very good because of the high fiber content, which is very benefitial for your gastrointestinal system. A diet poor with high fiber products is also considered a risk factor for the developement of colon cancer. White meat has a high content of fat and cholesterol, and is also not very recommended to be eating a lot of.

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