orphan drugs

or·phan pro·ducts

drugs, biologicals, and medical devices (including diagnostic in vitro tests) that may be useful in either common or rare diseases but that are not considered commercially viable. Synonym(s): orphan drugs

or·phan prod·ucts

(ōr'făn prod'ŭkts) Drugs, biologicals, and medical devices (including diagnostic in vitro tests) that may be useful in treating rare diseases but are not considered commercially viable.

orphan drugs

A drug used to treat a rare disease and for which the market is so small that manufacturers have little incentive to go to the expense of producing them. In1983 US legislation provided financial incentives, in the form of tax credits and 7 year exclusive rights, to firms willing to produce such drugs. This has been effective and, by mid-2003, 229 orphan drugs were available.