Lesnaia Promyshlennost

Lesnaia Promyshlennost’


(Timber Industry), a monthly scientific-technical and industrial-economic journal, an organ of the Ministry of the Timber and Wood-produ ts Industry of the USSR and the Central Board of the Scientific Technical Society of the Timber Industry and Forest Management. It has been published in Moscow since 1921. It was called Biulleten’ Tsentral’nogo upravleniia lesnoi promyshlennosti (Glavleskoma) i Tsentral’nogo komiteta profsoiuza derevoobdelochnikov (Bulletin of the Central Administration of the Timber Industry [Glavleskom] and the Central Committee of the Woodworkers’ Union) in 1921–22, Lesopromyshlennoe delo (Timber Supply Industry) from 1922 to 1934, and Lesnaia industriia (Timber Industry) from 1934 to 1940; since 1941 it has been named Lesnaia promyshlennost’. It deals with such topics as technological progress, the comprehensive use of forest areas to be felled, wood and raw material for the chemical industry, wood waste products, and increased labor productivity. Circulation in 1973 was 18,000 copies.

Lesnaia Promyshlennost’


(Timber Industry), the central newspaper of timber cutters, paper industry workers, and foresters; an organ of the Ministry of the Timber and Wood-products Industry of the USSR, the Ministry of the Wood-pulp and Paper Industry of the USSR, the State Forestry Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of the Timber, Paper, and Wood-products Industry. It is issued in Moscow three times a week. Founded under the name Lesnoi rabochii (Forest Worker) in 1929, it was renamed Lesnaia promyshlennost’ in February 1932. The newspaper did not appear from July 1941 through 1950. Publication was resumed on Jan. 1, 1951. The circulation in 1973 was 330,000 copies.