Muller fibers

Mül·ler fi·bers

(mul'ĕr), 1. Synonym(s): circular fibers2. sustentacular neuroglial cells of the retina, running through the thickness of the retina from the internal limiting membrane to the bases of the rods and cones where they form a row of junctional complexes. Synonym(s): Müller radial cells, sustentacular fibers of retina


(fi'ber) [L. fibra, filament, fiber] 1. A threadlike or filmlike structure, e.g., a nerve fiber.2. A neuron or its axonal portion. 3. An elongated threadlike structure. It may be cellular as nerve fiber or muscle fiber, or may be a cellular product, as collagen, elastic, oxytalan, or reticular fiber. 4. A slender cellulosic structure derived from plants such as cotton. See: rayon, purified

A fiber

A heavily myelinated, fast-conducting nerve fiber.

accelerator fiber

A sympathetic nerve fiber that carries impulses to increase heart rate.

afferent fiber

A nerve fiber that carries sensory impulses to the central nervous system from receptors in the periphery.

cholinergic fiber

Any preganglionic fiber, postganglionic parasympathetic fiber, postganglionic sympathetic fiber to a sweat gland, or efferent fiber to skeletal muscle.

circular fibers

Collagen bundles in the gingiva that surround a tooth.

climbing fiber

An excitatory axon from the inferior olivary nucleus that synapses with dendrites of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex

depressor fiber

A nerve that decreases arterial muscle tone and, as a result, lowers blood pressure.

dietary fiber

The components of food that resist chemical digestion, including cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, gums, mucilages, and pectin. Dietary fibers are classified according to their solubility in water.

Water-insoluble fibers include cellulose, lignin, and some hemicelluloses. These substances can soften and increase the bulk of the bowel movement. Natural gel-forming fibers found in fruits and vegetables such as gums, mucilages, and some hemicelluloses are water soluble. Most foods of plant origin contain both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Many disease processes including constipation, diabetes mellitus, gallstones, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, and obesity have been shown to be ameliorated by a high-fiber diet. There are epidemiological data supporting the existence of an inverse relationship between the disease and dietary fiber consumption. The relation between fiber intake and colorectal cancer is complex; some studies suggest that fiber intake is protective, while others suggest that it is not.

Foods rich in fiber include whole-grain foods, bran flakes, beans, fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts, root vegetables and their skins.

efferent fiber

A nerve fiber that carries motor impulses from the central nervous system to effector organs.

extrafusal fibers

The muscle fibers surrounding a muscle spindle.

fermentable fiber

Soluble fiber.

gingival fibers

Collagen fibers that support the marginal or interdental gingiva and are adapted to the tooth surface.

inhibitory fiber

A nerve fiber that carries impulses to decrease heart rate.

insoluble fiber

Any dietary fiber that does not dissolve in water. Insoluble dietary fiber includes hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin. An example is wheat bran.

intercolumnar fiber

An intercrural fiber, part of the superficial inguinal ring.

interradicular fibers

The collagen fibers of the periodontal ligament in the interradicular area, attaching the tooth to alveolar bone.

intrafusal muscle fiber

The structural component of the muscle spindle, made up of small skeletal muscle fibers at either end and a central noncontracile region where the sensory receptors are located.

James fibers

See: James fibers

Mahaim fibers

See: Mahaim fibers

man-made fiber

A synthetic fiber made from chemicals (e.g., rayon or polyester). Synonym: synthetic fiber

medullated fiber

An obsolete term for a myelinated neuron.

Müller fibers

See: Müller, Heinrich

mossy fiber

An excitatory axon from outside the cerebellum that synapses in the granular layer of the cerebellar cortex. Mossy fiber terminals are the central elements in complex synaptic formations that include dendrites of granular neurons and neurites of Golgi cells.

motor fiber

Any of the axons of motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscles.

muscle fiber

A muscle cell in striated, smooth, or cardiac muscle.

myelinated fiber

A nerve fiber whose axon (dendrite) is wrapped in a myelin sheath.

nerve fiber

See: nerve fiber

nigrostriatal fibers

Nigrostriate bundle.

nonmedullated fiber

Unmyelinated fiber.

oxytalan fibers

Bundles of thin, acid-resistant fibrils found in the periodontium.

preganglionic fiber

The axon of a preganglionic neuron.

principal fibers

The major fiber groups of the functioning periodontium. They attach the tooth to the bone and adjacent teeth.

propriospinal fibers

Axons that connect regions of the spinal cord.

Purkinje fiber

See: Purkinje, Johannes E. von

reticular fiber

Any of the extremely fine argyrophilic (silver-staining) fibers found in reticular tissue.

secretory fiber

A peripheral motor nerve fiber that innervates glands and stimulates secretion.

Sharpey's fibers

See: Sharpey, William

Sharpey's perforating fibers

See: Sharpey, William

soluble fiber

Any dietary fiber that dissolves in water. Soluble fiber is metabolized by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract into short chain fatty acids, which in turn nourish commensal bacteria in the gut. Examples include most fruit and vegetable fibers, e.g., pectins, barley, cereal grains, cornmeal, and oats. See: fermentable fiber

synthetic fiber

Man-made fiber.

transseptal fiber

Any of the collagenous fibers that extend between the teeth and are embedded in the cementum of adjacent teeth.

unmyelinated fiber

A nerve fiber that lacks a myelin sheath, although a neurilemma may be present in the peripheral nervous system.

zonular fiber

Any of the interlacing fibers of the zonula ciliaris.


Heinrich, German anatomist, 1820-1864. Müller fibers - (1) circular fibers - (2) sustentacular neuroglial cells of the retina. Synonym(s): Müller radial cellsMüller muscle - Synonym(s): circular fibers; orbitalis muscle; superior tarsal muscleMüller radial cells - Synonym(s): Müller fibers (2)Müller trigone - the floor of the supraoptic recess of the third ventricle.