Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge
Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge
Muleshoe, TX 79347
Established: 1935.
Location:20 miles south of Muleshoe, Texas.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, viewing sites, hiking trail, campgrounds, picnic area.
Activities:Camping, hiking, wildlife observation.
Special Features:Muleshoe's three sink-type lakes depend entirely on runoff for water and are periodically dry. When the lakes are full, 600 acres of water are available for wildlife.
Habitats: 5,809 acres of short grass rangeland with scattered mesquite and three lakes.
Access: Open during daylight hours.
Wild life: Lesser sandhill cranes, pintails, green-winged teal, wigeon, mallard, northern shoveler, American kestrel, turkey vulture, prairie dogs, prairie rattlesnakes, coyote, bobcat, badger, cottontail and jackrabbits, and porcupine.
See other parks in Texas.