Louis Antoine Garnier-Pagès

Garnier-Pagès, Louis Antoine


Born Feb. 16, 1803, in Marseilles; died Oct. 31, 1878, in Paris. French politician. Took part in the revolutions of 1830 and 1848; a moderate bourgeois republican.

Garnier-Pagès was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1842 to 1848. After the Revolution of 1848 he was a member of the Provisional Government, mayor of Paris, and minister of finance (March-May); he served as a member of the Executive Commission (May-June). On his initiative, on Mar. 16, 1848, an additional 45-centime land tax was introduced, turning the peasantry against the Second Republic. Under the Second Empire he was a member of the corps législatif (1864-70), in which he sided with the Republican opposition to the Bonapartist regime. After the Revolution of Sept. 4, 1870, he was a member of the Government of National Defense; after February 1871 he played no active political role.


Histoíre de la révolution de 1848, vols. 1-10. Paris, 1861-72. In Russian translation: Istoriia revoliutsii 1848, vols. 1-3. St. Petersburg, 1862-64.


Vermorel, A. Deiateli sorok vos’mogo goda. Moscow, 1923. (Translated from French.)