Milford State Park

Milford State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Kansas
Location:9 miles northwest of Exit 295 from I-70.
Facilities:141 utility campsites with water and electrical hookups (51 also havesewer hookups), 120 non-utility sites, 3 modern cabins, picnic areasand shelters, multi-purpose trails, swimming beach and bathhouse, 10boat ramp lanes, 3 courtesy docks, full-service marina, viewing tower.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, horseback riding, hiking, hunting (on adjacent lands).
Special Features:Park is located near Junction City on the shores of 16,000-acre MilfordReservoir, the state's largest lake. The park houses a large yachtclub, and nearby Milford Nature Center and Milford Fish Hatchery offera variety of interpretive exhibits and displays.
Address:8811 State Park Rd
Milford, KS 66514

Size: 1,084 acres.

See other parks in Kansas.