
Mi·le·sian 1

M0292500 (mī-lē′zhən, -shən)adj. Of or relating to Miletus or its inhabitants.n. A native or inhabitant of Miletus.
[From Latin Mīlēsius, from Greek Mīlēsios, from Mīlētos, Miletus.]

Mi·le·sian 2

M0292500 (mī-lē′zhən, -shən)n.1. Mythology A member of a people who invaded Ireland, defeated the Tu·a·tha Dé Da·naan, and became the ancestors of the Gaels.2. A native or inhabitant of Ireland.adj. Of or relating to Ireland; Irish.
[After Milesius, Latinized form of Old Irish Míl Espáine, legendary ancestor of the Gaels (literally, "Soldier of Spain," since he fought and died in Spain) : míl, soldier (from Latin mīles) + Espáine, genitive of Espáin, Spain (from Latin Hispānia).]


(maɪˈliːzɪən) adj (Historical Terms) of or relating to Miletusn (Historical Terms) an inhabitant of Miletus[via Latin from Greek Milēsios]


(maɪˈliːzɪən) adj (Peoples) Irishn (Peoples) an Irishman[C16: from Milesius, a fictitious king of Spain whose sons were supposed to have conquered Ireland]


(mɪˈli ʒən, -ʃən, maɪ-)

adj. 1. of or pertaining to Miletus. n. 2. a native or inhabitant of Miletus. [1540–50; < Latin Mīlēsi(us) (< Greek Mīlḗsios) + -an1]