释义 |
lepothrix trich·o·my·co·sis ax·il·la·'risCorynebacterium infection of axillary and pubic hairs with development of yellow (flava), black (nigra), or red (rubra) concretions around the hair shafts; frequently asymptomatic. Synonym(s): lepothrix, trichonodosistrich·o·my·co·sis ax·il·la·ris (trik'ō-mī-kō'sis aks'i-lar'is) Corynebacterium infection of axillary and pubic hairs with development of yellow (flava), black (nigra), or red (rubra) concretions around the hair shafts; frequently asymptomatic. Synonym(s): lepothrix, trichonodosis. lepothrix (lĕp′ō-thrĭks) [″ + thrix, hair] A condition in which the shaft of the hair is encased in hardened, scaly, sebaceous matter. |