

L0124500 (lĕp′ĭ-dŏp′tər-ən)n. Any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera, which includes the butterflies and moths, characterized by four membranous wings covered with small scales and having larvae that are called caterpillars.
[From New Latin Lepidoptera, order name : lepido- + Greek ptera, pl. of pteron, wing, winged creature; see -pter.]
lep′i·dop′ter·an, lep′i·dop′ter·ous adj.


(ˌlɛpɪˈdɒptərəs) adj (Zoology) relating to insects of the order Lepidoptera


(ˌlɛp ɪˈdɒp tər əs)

also lep`i•dop′ter•al,

adj. belonging or pertaining to the Lepidoptera, an order of insects comprising the butterflies, moths, and skippers, in the adult state having four membranous wings covered with small scales. [1790–1800]