

单词 mom



abbr. middle of month


M0377600 (mŏm)n. Informal Mother.
[Shortening and alteration of mama.]


(mɒm) nchiefly US and Canadian an informal word for mother1



n. Informal. mother. [shortening of momma]


middle of (the) month.
Noun1.mom - informal terms for a mothermom - informal terms for a mother ma, mama, mamma, momma, mommy, mummy, mum, mammyfemale parent, mother - a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother); "the mother of three children"


noun (U.S.) mum, mother, ma We waited for Mom and Dad to get home.




stay-at-home mom

A mother who forgoes employment outside of the home in order to care for her children and the household. Being a stay-at-home mom is just as much hard work as going to an office every day.See also: mom


slang An especially responsible and nurturing female friend. A: "I gave the landlord that form you were supposed to hand in last week." B: "Aw, thanks mom! You're the best roommate ever."

your mom

slang A juvenile retort meant to insult one's mother. The term is often used with provocative wordplay to suggest that one has engaged in sexual acts with the listener's mother. A: "What did you guys do last night?" "B: "Your mom!" A: "You really need to get to band practice on time." B: "Your mom really needs to get to band practice on time!"See also: mom

mom jeans

High-waisted, somewhat loose-fitting jeans said to look like those stereotypically worn by middle-aged moms. The phrase can be used to characterize such jeans as unflattering or simply as a label for the particular fit, which became fashionable after the emergence of the term. Ladies, we're going out tonight, so don't wear your mom jeans! It seems that mom jeans have become the new uniform for hipster girls this summer.See also: jean, mom

bio mom

One's biological mother, as opposed to one's adoptive mother (or perhaps other non-biological mother figure). I finally found my bio mom by using some genealogy sites and Facebook.See also: bio, mom


A female caregiver of a child who assumed the parental role through marriage to one of the child's original (usually biological) parents. Most commonly, a step-mom is the second wife of a child's biological father. I live with my mom during the week and then visit my dad and step-mom every other weekend.

bonus mom

An alternative to the title "step-mom," which is a female caregiver of a child who assumed the parental role through marriage to one of the child's original (usually biological) parents. Most commonly, a step-mom is the second wife of a child's biological father. I live with my mom during the week and then visit my dad and bonus mom every other weekend.See also: bonus, mom

mom and apple pie

A core principle, value, belief, characteristic, aspect, etc., of the United States of America or its citizens. Sometimes used sarcastically or ironically. If you've ever wondered what it means to be an American, just look at Bob Fisk down the street—he's about as mom and apple pie as it gets. It doesn't surprise me at all that their tax overhaul would turn out this complex—after all, convoluted taxes are as American as mom and apple pie.See also: and, apple, mom, pie

as American as mom and apple pie

Considered a core principle, value, belief, belief, characteristic, aspect, etc., of the United States of America or its citizens. Sometimes used sarcastically or ironically. A: "I've never really liked baseball." B: "Really? But it's as American as mom and apple pie!" It doesn't surprise me at all that their tax overhaul would turn out this ridiculous—after all, convoluted taxes are as American as mom and apple pie.See also: American, and, apple, mom, pie

soccer mom

A middle-class suburban woman who spends a significant amount of her time transporting her children to various activities. Originating in the late twentieth century, the term came into widespread use during the 1996 U.S. presidential election, when it was suggested that Democratic candidate Bill Clinton was targeting soccer moms for their votes. Today the term is sometimes used pejoratively, suggesting that such women overschedule their children in multiple activities. California’s Town Crier ran an article by Nicole Miller headed “How Not to Be That Soccer Mom,” warning about the overinvolvement of parents (August 24, 2010).See also: mom



(1) (Messaging-Oriented Middleware) See messaging middleware.

(2) (Microsoft Operations Manager) Software that monitors and captures system and application events throughout the network. Used for daily management and capacity planning, MOM is part of Microsoft's Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI). MOM Management Packs are modules that target MOM for specific applications. They include rule-sets for triggering alerts as well as information articles for troubleshooting. A Management Pack for critical Windows services is included, and additional Packs are available from Microsoft and third parties. See DSI.



Abbreviation for milk of magnesia.


Abbreviation for:
Map of Medicine, see there 
milk of magnesia
mitochondrial outer membrane
multiple of the median


Vox populi Mother, mum, mammy, Mutti. See Mother, Supermom.


Abbreviation for milk of magnesia.


Abbreviation for milk of magnesia.

Patient discussion about MOM

Q. My mom is diagnosed with fibromyalgia? My mom is diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Her pain in the neck is severe. She is wholly dependent on medicines. Though the medicines cannot relieve the neck pain it does helped her with good sleep and her depression is under control. Is Physical Therapy good for fibromyalgia and in what way?A. Yes, it will definitely help especially in a painful situation and when there is heavy muscle stiffness. Here she will be given some stretching exercises to increase her muscle flexibility. The hallmark of this exercise is to make muscle flexible and help the patient gain their self healing power back. It is good that you are aware of this therapy to benefit your mom. Good Luck!

Q. If your mom has arthritis, are the chances any higher that you will also have arthritis? My mom has arthritis in her knees. It is to the point where she gets surgery every few years to have it scraped out. I was wondering, if your mom has arthritis, are the chances any higher that you will also have arthritis? Also what can you do to prevent getting arthritis? Thank you.A. Some people may have a genetic preposition to certain types of arthritis (lupus, ankylosing spondylitis etc), but this is not the same as a type of arthritis being hereditary.

Q. Can I get help or suggestion for my mom? My mom underwent surgery for breast cancer after struggling for nearly 6 years. She was normal for 2 years. Now she has developed the symptoms of breast cancer again and this time the symptoms are different. The lump is below the normal position where it was before. Earlier she had one lump and now she has two lumps; one bigger and the other one smaller. We are upset with this and the doctors are at a loss to decide further treatment. Can I get help or suggestion for my mom?A. She needs to bring her ph up. She can do that by taking:
cod liver oil
flax seed oil
raw apple cider vinegar
These will treat the cause of the lumps rather than just the symptoms.
Also she needs to avoid processed foods especially white sugar, white flour and high fructose corn syrup. these all feed the cancer and strip the body of minerals.
research alternative medicines on the internet.

More discussions about MOM


MOMMessage Oriented Middleware
MOMPlease Wait A Moment
MOMManagement Object Model
MOMMicrosoft Operations Manager (Microsoft)
MOMMoment (Augenblick)
MOMMission of Mercy (various locations)
MOMMan of the Match
MOMMind Over Matter (NIDA youth drug abuse program)
MOMMinistry of Manpower (Singapore)
MOMMothers of Multiples
MOMMan on a Mission
MOMMethod of Manufacture
MOMMomentary (electronic switches)
MOMMessage-Oriented Middleware
MOMMonth over Month (finance)
MOMMars Orbiter Mission (Indian Space Research Organization)
MOMMary Our Mother (religion)
MOMManagement, Operations and Maintenance (various organizations)
MOMMysterious Origins of Man (archeology TV show)
MOMMaintenance of Membership (various locations)
MOMMade of Money
MOMMilk of Magnesia
MOMMetal-On-Metal (arthroplasty, hip resurfacing)
MOMMinutes Of Meeting
MOMMinions of Mirth (Mmorpg computer game)
MOMMinister of Music
MOMMethods of Mayhem
MOMMinistry of Magic (Harry Potter)
MOMMouse on Mars (website)
MOMModern Office Methods (Dayton, OH)
MOMMaster of Magic (computer game)
MOMMy Organic Market (Rockville, MD)
MOMMessage Oriented Mobility
MOMMotherboard Operation Monitor
MOMMicrosoft Operations Manager
MOMMessaging Oriented Middleware
MOMMachine Ordered Miniserver
MOMMicrosoft Office Manager
MOMMethod of Moments
MOMMobile Workforce Management
MOMManufacturing Operations Management
MOMMinistry of Mayhem (iTV Saturday morning kids TV show)
MOMMonth on Month
MOMMoment of Madness (band)
MOMMean Old Man
MOMMen on A Mission
MOMMember of Management
MOMManager Of Managers
MOMMother of Many (education program)
MOMMilitary Ordinary Mail (US DoD)
MOMMobile Operations Manager (software)
MOMMechanics of Materials
MOMMethod Of Moment (4 mallet marimba method)
MOMMan On the Move
MOMMember of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces (Canada)
MOMMail Order Marijuana
MOMMicrosoft Office Manager (Microsoft Office 98 - Macintosh Edition)
MOMMultiples of the Median
MOMMilitary Outreach Ministry
MOMMilitia Of Montana
MOMModular Ocean Model
MOMMini Optical Mouse (various companies)
MOMMask of Madness (gaming)
MOMMixed Orientation Marriage (straight person married to a gay person)
MOMMeasures Of Merit
MOMMothers on the Move (New York)
MOMMean Old Mom
MOMMiddle of Month
MOMMonmouth-Ocean-Middlesex (proposed New Jersey rail line)
MOMMaster of Mathematics
MOMMust Obey Me
MOMMan-Overboard Module (navigation/GPS)
MOMMission Operations Manager (NASA)
MOMMetal Oxide Metal
MOMMedical Opportunities in Michigan
MOMMinistry of Oil and Minerals (Yemen)
MOMMotion Odyssey Movie (Jordan's Furniture store ride)
MOMMany On Many
MOMMaker of Me
MOMMachines of Madness
MOMMacs of Marin
MOMMost Outstanding Mother
MOMMaintenance Operations Management
MOMMotorcycle Owner's Manual
MOMMethod, Opportunity, Motive (cybersecurity)
MOMMeg O'Malley's (Melbourne, FL pub)
MOMMobile Operational Management (computing)
MOMMilitary Official Mail
MOMMise En Ordre de Marche (Informatique)
MOMMajor of Marines
MOMManufacturing Operations Manager
MOMMusic for Our Mother earth (song)
MOMMissouri Meerschaum Company (maker of corncob pipes)
MOMMade of Miracles
MOMMobile Originated Message
MOMMelody of Melancholy (online manga)
MOMMulti-Objective Model
MOMMars Observer Mission
MOMMind Over Matter, Inc.
MOMManaged Object Manager
MOMMinobschmash (Ministry of General Machine Building, USSR)
MOMMission Omega Matrix (The Famous Jett Jackson TV show)
MOMMarine Operations Manual (International IMO Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit)
MOMMainframe Order Management (Sprint)
MOMModulation Output Mode (Agilent)
MOMMissiles of Magic (gaming)
MOMMobile Operations Module (X-34 Vehicle)
MOMMission Operations Meeting


  • noun

Synonyms for mom

noun mum


  • mum
  • mother
  • ma

Synonyms for mom

noun informal terms for a mother


  • ma
  • mama
  • mamma
  • momma
  • mommy
  • mummy
  • mum
  • mammy

Related Words

  • female parent
  • mother




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