Milchakov, Aleksandr
Mil’chakov, Aleksandr Ivanovich
Born Sept 29 (Oct. 12), 1903, in Viatka (present-day Kirov); died July 17, 1973, in Moscow. Active in the Communist youth movement in the USSR. Became member of the CPSU in 1919.
The son of a railroad worker, Mil’chakov joined the Socialist League of Working Youth in 1918. He carried out official Komsomol assignments in Perm’ and Verkhneural’sk from 1919 and was secretary of the Siberian Bureau of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist League of Youth (RKSM). From 1921 to 1925 he was a member of the Central Committee of the RKSM, secretary of the Central Committee’s Southeast Bureau, and a member of the Central Committee Bureau and head of one of its departments. In 1925 he became secretary of the Central Committee of the RKSM and a member of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist Youth International.
Mil’chakov was secretary-general of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of the Ukraine from 1927 to 1928, and from 1928 to 1929 secretary-general of the Central Committee of the All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League (VLKSM). In 1931 he became head of the party organization sector of the Central Committee of the ACP (Bolshevik). He held a managerial position in the gold industry from 1932 to 1938. A delegate to the Twelfth through Seventeenth Party Congresses, he was elected to the Central Control Commission at the Fourteenth through Sixteenth Congresses. In addition, he was a delegate to the Second through Ninth Komsomol Congresses, to the Fifth Comintern Congress, and to the Third through Fifth Congresses of the Communist Youth International. He retired with a personal pension in 1956. He wrote a book of memoirs on the Komsomol movement in the USSR. Mil’chakov was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, as well as various medals.
Pervoe desiatiletie: Zapiski veterana komsomola, 2nd ed. [Moscow] 1965.“Na ‘zolotom’ fronte.” In Byli industrial’nye, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1973.