Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:223 North Shore Rd
Medicine Lake, MT 59247

Established: 1935.
Location:Northeastern Montana.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, viewing sites, observation tower, picnic areas, auto tour route, historic features.
Activities:Canoeing, fishing, ice fishing, hunting, educational programs.
Special Features:Large populations of rare grassland birds such as Baird's sparrows, Sprague's pipts, and chestnut collared longspurs nest on refuge prairies, attracting birdwatchers from across the country.
Habitats: 31,457 acres of prairie, sandhills, and wetlands.
Access: Open from sunrise to sunset.
Wild life: Canada geese, white pelicans, sandhill cranes, and white-tailed deer, coyote, badger, and less often, moose, elk and pronghorn.

See other parks in Montana.