Leonid Viktorovich Krushinskii
Krushinskii, Leonid Viktorovich
Born June 3 (16), 1911, in Moscow. Soviet biologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1974).
Krushinskii graduated from Moscow State University in 1934. He became an assistant professor and docent at the university and in 1953 was made head of the laboratory of behavioral physiology and genetics (subdepartment of the physiology of higher nervous activity). Krushinskii is a member of the International Brain Research Organization.
Krushinskii has devoted his research mainly to the experimental physiology of animals and the genetics and phenogenetics of behavior. He was one of the first to investigate complex forms of behavior. Krushinskii completed a series of works on the interrelations of basic nervous processes and their role in pathological reactions.
Krushinskii has received the Order of the Badge of Honor and several medals.
Formirovanie povedeniia zhivotnykh v norme i patologii. Moscow, 1960.Biologicheskie osnovy rassudochnoi deiatel’nosti. Moscow, 1977.