N0173700 (nō′tĭ-sə-bəl)These adjectives mean tending to attract notice. Noticeable refers to something that can be readily noticed or observed: The player's great height provided a very noticeable advantage on the basketball court. What is marked is emphatically evident: a marked limp; a marked success. Conspicuous applies to what is immediately apparent and noteworthy: a shirt with a conspicuous stain; a leader occupying a conspicuous place in the nation's history. Prominent connotes a standing out, especially from others of a kind: a prominent landmark; prominent moments in her career. What is salient is so prominent and consequential that it seems to leap out and claim the attention: His most salient feature is his irrepressible sense of humor. Striking describes something that seizes the attention and produces a vivid impression on the sight or the mind: The child bears a striking resemblance to his uncle. See Also Synonyms at perceptible.
Noun | 1. | noticeability - the property of being easy to see and understand |