mano a mano

ma·no a ma·no

M0085400 (mä′nō ä mä′nō)n. pl. ma·nos a ma·nos (mä′nōs ä mä′nōs) 1. A bullfight in which two rival matadors take turns fighting several bulls each.2. A face-to-face confrontation or competitive struggle: a mano a mano between the presidential candidates.adj. Being or suggestive of a face-to-face encounter or contest: a mano a mano duel between golf pros.adv. In direct competition: an industry gearing up to go mano a mano with a rival.
[Spanish : mano, hand + a, to.]

mano a mano

(ˈmɑːnəʊ ɑː ˈmɑːnəʊ ) advin direct competition[Spanish: hand to hand]