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Mann-Williamson operation Mann-Wil·liam·son op·er·a·tion (man wil'yăm-sŏn), an operation performed on experimental animals (dogs) in research on peptic ulcer, the duodenum with its alkaline secretions being transplanted into the ileum and the cut end of the jejunum anastomosed to the pylorus; the animals develop ulcers in the jejunum, which directly receives the gastric juice.Mann, Frank C., U.S. surgeon, 1887-1962. Mann-Bollman fistula - used in experimental investigations of the digestive tract.Mann-Williamson operation - an operation performed on experimental animals in research on peptic ulcer.Mann-Williamson ulcer - the ulcer that develops in the jejunum after the Mann-Williamson operation.
Williamson, Carl S., U.S. surgeon, 1896-1952. Mann-Williamson operation - see under Mann, Frank CMann-Williamson ulcer - see under Mann, Frank C |