a family of the big Russian bourgeoisie, descendants of serfs from Vladimir Province. In 1764 or 1765, Egor Ivanovich Naidenov (1745–1821), a posessionnyi krest’ianin (factory serf), was assigned to a dye shop in Moscow. By 1816 he owned his own dye shop and had joined a Moscow merchants’ guild. His son, Aleksandr Egorovich Naidenov (1789–1864), owned land, houses, and numerous dye shops in Moscow.
Until the late 19th century, the Naidenovs were in the cotton and wool trade. Aleksandr Egorovich’s sons, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Naidenov and Viktor Aleksandrovich Naidenov, became bankers during the 1870’s. The Naidenovs were founders of the Moscow Trade Bank, and family members invariably served as the bank’s chairmen. Until 1905, Nikolai Aleksandrovich was chairman of the Moscow Exchange Committee, where the Naidenov group and later the Krestovnikov-Naidenov group held a majority. The group represented the entire Moscow big bourgeoisie and led its ultraconservative wing. After 1905 the group became the mainstay of the Octobrists.
Naidenov, N. A. Vospominaniia o vidennom, slyshannom i ispytannom, books 1–2. Moscow, 1903–05.Chermenskii, E. D. Burzhuaziia i tsarizm ν pervoi russkoi revoliutsii, 2nded. Moscow, 1970.