Acronym | Definition |
NAI➣Network Advertising Initiative |
NAI➣Netherlands Architecture Institute |
NAI➣Nordic Africa Institute |
NAI➣New and Improved |
NAI➣Sodium Iodide |
NAI➣Network Access Identifier (Wireless IP Network Architecture) |
NAI➣NASA Astrobiology Institute |
NAI➣Network Associates, Inc. |
NAI➣No Adverse Impact (flood mitigation) |
NAI➣North American Indian (language) |
NAI➣Network Application Interface |
NAI➣Network Access Interrupt |
NAI➣Network Access Identifier |
NAI➣Network Associates Inc. |
NAI➣Norwegian Air International (Dublin, Ireland, UK) |
NAI➣Non-Accidental Injury (healthcare) |
NAI➣Named Area of Interest |
NAI➣Notifiable Avian Influenza (surveillance system) |
NAI➣No Action Indicated (US FDA) |
NAI➣New Americans Initiative (various organizations) |
NAI➣New Age Industrial (Morton, KS) |
NAI➣New America International |
NAI➣Nachrichten Aus Israel |
NAI➣North American Initiative |
NAI➣National Aerospace Initiative |
NAI➣National Associates, Inc. |
NAI➣News America Incorporated (Delaware) |
NAI➣New Africa Investments (South Africa) |
NAI➣New Asia Industries (Vietnam) |
NAI➣Nature of Address Indicator (SS7 SCCP) |
NAI➣National Assessment Institute, Inc. (testing and certification service) |
NAI➣No Advice Intended |
NAI➣No Artificial Ingredients (book) |
NAI➣Nürnberger Altersinventar |
NAI➣Network Application Integration |
NAI➣Nacelle Anti-Ice (aviation) |
NAI➣Northwest Avalanche Institute |
NAI➣Neutral Atom Imager |
NAI➣NATO Analog Interface (connects NATO analog signal equipment to the MSE/DGM network) |
NAI➣Nic Augustus Investigations (Baltimore, MD) |
NAI➣Naval Ammunition Interchangeability |
NAI➣North American Inks |
NAI➣Nuclear Accident or Incident |
NAI➣National Account Index |
NAI➣Network Applications Incorporated |
NAI➣Network Access Index |
NAI➣Number of Active Ingredients (pharmaceutical industry) |
NAI➣Neuraminidase Activity Inhibition |
NAI➣No Airborne Intercept |
NAI➣Navy Action Item |
NAI➣Network Application Installer |
NAI➣Nigerian Association Ireland (est. 2005) |
NAI➣Numerof and Associates, Inc. (Saint Louis, MO) |