Nahuel Huapí
Nahuel Huapí
(näwĕl` wäpē`), lake, c.210 sq mi (540 sq km), in Río Negro and Neuquén provs., W central Argentina. The 45-mi (72-km) lake is drained northeastward by the Limay River. It is part of Nahuel Huapí National Park (est. 1934) and is a popular resort area.Nahuel Huapí
a lake in Argentina, on the eastern slopes of the Patagonian Andes, at an elevation of 767 m. Length, 72 km; width, 1.5–8.0 km; area, 550 sq km; depth, to 438 m. The Limay River flows out of the lake. Nahuel Huapí is very picturesque, with fjordlike bays and shores overgrown with dense forest. There is ship navigation. There are climatic health resorts, and tourism is popular. The lake is part of Nahuel Huapi National Park.
Nahuel Huapí
the oldest and largest national park in Argentina; located in Neuquén and Rio Negro provinces. Area, 785,000 hectares (1973). The park was created in 1903 and became a national park in 1934. The picturesque landscapes of the Lake Nahuel Huapi region, with forests of the beech Nothofagus menziesii, have been preserved; animals include deer (pudu and Andean deer), puma, and waterfowl.