Mikhnovo Sheep
Mikhnovo Sheep
a breed of coarse-wooled sheep used for meat and wool production. It was developed in the 19th century by peasants of Ostrogozhsk District in Voronezh Province (the name is from the village of Mikhnovo) by prolonged selection of domestic sheep. The animals are large”and have a long, thin tail that reaches down to the tarsal joint. The rams have large, spirally twisted horns; the ewes do not have horns. Rams weigh 70–80 kg, and ewes 50–55 kg. The wool is primarily white; the length of the fleece is 15–18 cm. The annual clip of wool from rams is 4—5 kg, and from ewes 3–4 kg. Fertility is 110–115 lambs per 100 ewes. Ostrogozhsk sheep were developed by crossing Mikhnovo sheep with Romneys; Liski sheep were developed by crossing Mikhnovo sheep with Lincolns. Mikhnovo sheep are raised in Voronezh Oblast.