lentigo maligna


 [len-ti´go] (L.) a flat, brownish pigmented spot on the skin due to increased deposition of melanin and an increased number of melanocytes; a freckle. (See Atlas 2, Part O.)lentigo malig´na (malignant lentigo) see melanoma" >lentigo maligna melanoma.senile lentigo (lentigo seni´lis,) (solar lentigo) a small smooth round brownish patch appearing on the face, neck, or back of the hands of many older people, caused by an increase in pigment; these are entirely harmless. Although these spots are associated with aging, it is not age that is the principal cause but many years of exposure to sun and wind. Called also liver spot.

len·ti·go ma·lig·na

a brown or black mottled, irregularly outlined, slowly enlarging lesion resembling a lentigo in which there are increased numbers of scattered atypical melanocytes in the epidermis, usually occurring on the face of older persons; after many years the dermis may be invaded and the lesion is then termed lentigo maligna melanoma. Synonym(s): Hutchinson freckle, melanotic freckle

lentigo maligna

Hutchinson's melanotic freckle, lentigo maligna melanoma
A lesion comprising 10% of melanomas, affects those > age 60; flat, indolent, arises in premalignant freckle, located on sun-exposed aging skin; begins as an unevenly pigmented macule with an irregular border, slowly extends peripherally Etiology Solar overexposure,13 progress to melanoma in 10-15 yrs Prognosis > 95% 5-yr survival. See Lentigo, Melanoma.

len·ti·go ma·lig·na

(len-tī'gō mă-lig'nă) A brown or black mottled, irregularly outlined, slowly enlarging lesion resembling a lentigo in which there are increased numbers of scattered atypical melanocytes in the epidermis, usually occurring on the face of older persons; after many years the dermis may be invaded and the lesion is then termed lentigo maligna melanoma.
Synonym(s): Hutchinson freckle.
LENTIGO MALIGNA: SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Carl Washington, MD

lentigo maligna

A pigmented lesion of the skin in which a large number of superficial, atypical melanocytes are found. Synonym: Hutchinson's freckle See: illustrationSee also: lentigo


Sir Jonathan, English surgeon and pathologist, 1828-1913. Hutchinson crescentic notch - the semilunar notch on the incisal edge of Hutchinson teeth, encountered in congenital syphilis.Hutchinson disease - age-related guttate choroiditis.Hutchinson facies - the peculiar facial expression produced by drooping eyelids and motionless eyes in external ophthalmoplegia.Hutchinson freckle - a brown or black mottled, irregularly outlined, slowly enlarging lesion. Synonym(s): lentigo malignaHutchinson mask - the sensation experienced in tabetic neurosyphilis as if the face were covered with a mask or with cobwebs.Hutchinson patch - interstitial or parenchymatous keratitis giving rise to neovascularization of the cornea. Synonym(s): salmon patchHutchinson pupil - dilation of the pupil on the side of the lesion as part of a third nerve palsy.Hutchinson teeth - the teeth of congenital syphilis in which the incisal edge is notched and narrower than the cervical area. Synonym(s): notched teeth; screwdriver teeth; syphilitic teethHutchinson triad - parenchymatous keratitis, labyrinthine disease, and Hutchinson teeth, significant of congenital syphilis.Hutchinson-Gilford disease - a condition in which normal development in the first year is followed by gross retardation of growth, with dry wrinkled skin, total alopecia, and birdlike facies. Synonym(s): Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome; progeriaHutchinson-Gilford syndrome - Synonym(s): Hutchinson-Gilford disease